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Paediatric Urology
35 e-learning modules
Associate editors Stephen Griffin and Alan Dickson
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Vesico-ureteric reflux: natural history, investigation and non-surgical management
Paediatric Urology
Vesico-ureteric reflux: endoscopic management
Paediatric Urology
Assessment and investigation of the non-neuropathic wet child
Paediatric Urology
Assessment and management of paediatric hydrocele and hernia - a guide for the non-specia…
Paediatric Urology
Principles of neonatal bladder exstrophy management
Paediatric Urology
Long term outcomes of bladder exstrophy and their implications
Paediatric Urology
Optimal timing of orchidopexy
Paediatric Urology
Testicular torsion - diagnosis and management
Paediatric Urology
Paediatric pyeloplasty: open operative technique and outcome
Paediatric Urology
Antenatal hydronephrosis (1) - postnatal evaluation and initial management
Paediatric Urology
Investigation and management of Wilms' tumour
Paediatric Urology
What are the relevant urological associations with imperforate anus?
Paediatric Urology
Antenatal hydronephrosis (2) - further imaging, diagnosis and management
Paediatric Urology
Management of the non-neuropathic wet child
Paediatric Urology
Foreskin conditions in paediatric practice
Paediatric Urology
How to investigate renal calculi in a child
Paediatric Urology
Revisional hypospadias surgery
Paediatric Urology
Hypospadias: classification and standardisation of terminology
Paediatric Urology
Investigation and management of upper tract obstruction in children
Paediatric Urology
Management of megameatus intact prepuce
Paediatric Urology
Postnatal bladder function after in utero repair of myelomeningocele: a literature review
Paediatric Urology
Paediatric pyeloplasty - laparoscopic and robotic technique and outcome
Paediatric Urology
Surgical interventions for the neuropathic bladder and bowel in childhood
Paediatric Urology
Management of urachal anomalies
Paediatric Urology
Surgery for undescended testes: open and laparoscopic
Paediatric Urology
Genitourinary rhabdomyosarcoma
Paediatric Urology
Modern staged repair of bladder exstrophy
Paediatric Urology
Penile plastic operations in childhood
Paediatric Urology
Vesico-ureteric reflux: open and laparoscopic management
Paediatric Urology
Urinary tract trauma management in the child
Paediatric Urology
The acute management of posterior urethral valves
Paediatric Urology
Megaureter – classification, presentation and management
Paediatric Urology
Hypospadias: repair of distal hypospadias
Paediatric Urology
(Minor) gynaecological disorders in childhood
Paediatric Urology
Investigations of haematuria in the child
Paediatric Urology
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