Transplant and Nephrology

17 e-learning modules Associate editor David Cranston

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Should TURP be performed before or after renal transplant? Transplant and Nephrology
Common immunosuppressants: complications in renal transplantation Transplant and Nephrology
What is the role of renal transplant in HIV-positive patients with CKD? Transplant and Nephrology
Management of transplant kidney calculus obstruction Transplant and Nephrology
Techniques for repair of a stenosed transplant ureter Transplant and Nephrology
Review of urological cancer incidence in renal transplant recipients Transplant and Nephrology
Techniques for managing transplant kidney RCC Transplant and Nephrology
Prostate cancer in renal transplant recipients Transplant and Nephrology
Should a history of renal stones exclude a live donor? Transplant and Nephrology
The evidence for use of live donors with pre-existing hypertension Transplant and Nephrology
Hand-assist, laparoscopic and robotic live donor nephrectomy - advantages and drawbacks o… Transplant and Nephrology
Live donor long-term follow-up: is the living donor at long-term risk? Transplant and Nephrology
Surgical approaches for polycystic nephrectomy Transplant and Nephrology
Should a pre-existing hostile bladder be managed before or after kidney transplant? Transplant and Nephrology
Management of transitional cell tumours in a transplanted kidney or ureter Transplant and Nephrology
Vascular anastomoses and ureteric implantation techniques Transplant and Nephrology
Operating on patients on dialysis - what are the anaesthetic and surgical issues? Transplant and Nephrology

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