Trauma and Emergency

29 e-learning modules Associate editor Robert Mills

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Management of the transiently hypertensive and confused patient after TURP Trauma and Emergency
Management algorithm for post-TURP bleeding Trauma and Emergency
TRUS biopsy and multi-resistant bacterial infection Trauma and Emergency
Early or delayed re-approximation of the injured proximal urethra? Trauma and Emergency
Fracture of the penis Trauma and Emergency
Grade 4 renal injuries - the role of conservative management Trauma and Emergency
Grading of blunt renal trauma and blunt renal trauma imaging Trauma and Emergency
Management of post-obstructive diuresis Trauma and Emergency
Nephrostomy versus retrograde stent for the obstructed infected kidney Trauma and Emergency
Emphysematous pyelonephritis - conservative versus surgical management Trauma and Emergency
Nephrectomy for xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis Trauma and Emergency
Emergency management of bleeding angiomyolipomas Trauma and Emergency
The role of imaging in pregnancy associated loin pain Trauma and Emergency
Stepwise management of a damaged lower ureter Trauma and Emergency
Pathogenesis, investigation and medical management of primary RPF Trauma and Emergency
Medical and surgical management of haemorrhagic cystitis Trauma and Emergency
Role of hyperbaric oxygen in radiation-induced haemorrhagic cystitis Trauma and Emergency
Autonomic dysreflexia - risk factors, presentation and management Trauma and Emergency
Contemporary management of low-flow priapism Trauma and Emergency
Review of the role of imaging in testicular torsion Trauma and Emergency
Microbiological interaction in the genesis of Fournier’s gangrene Trauma and Emergency
Management of low pressure and high pressure chronic retention Trauma and Emergency
Management of bladder perforation after TURBT Trauma and Emergency
How to manage hydronephrosis in pregnancy Trauma and Emergency
Classification and management of genital and testicular trauma Trauma and Emergency
Aetiology, presentation and management of prostatic abscess Trauma and Emergency
Aetiopathogenesis and management of sepsis in urology Trauma and Emergency
Acute retention: incidence and management Trauma and Emergency
Investigation and management of acute pyelonephritis Trauma and Emergency

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